Clary Hood, Inc. is unique in our dedication to safety on every job site. We see it as a value never to be compromised, and we’ve worked to instill it as a clear principle at every level of our company. Our safety program’s ongoing success can be seen in our history of exceptionally low rates of incidents and lost workday cases, as well as our minimal experience modification rate (EMR). No matter what the size or scope of the project, we implement comprehensive safety measures that ensure the very best outcomes possible every day we’re on the job.

Our Current EMR

At Clary Hood, we consistently maintain an experience modification rate (EMR) that’s significantly less than the industry average. See our current EMR listed to the left.


Safety: A Value We Never Compromise

Each of our projects implements the following safety measures:

  • Site-specific safety plans
  • Dedicated site superintendent with 30-hour OSHA certification
  • Highly competent safety personnel assigned to each crew
  • Job safety analysis (JSA) for each task performed
  • Trench excavation and soil analysis program
  • Confined space entry requirements
  • Drug and alcohol screening
  • Weekly toolbox talks
  • In-house OSHA, MSHA and NSC authorized training

Let's prep your site safely, together! Contact Us